Kubernetes pod and cluster limits
So I was trying to install an xPaaS on Red Hat OpenShift. And I hit a pod and cluster limit as you can see here, specifically regarding minimal memory constraints:

I finally resolved it by identifying the portion in the template that contains the offending memory limit. And then, applying a command “oc patch” to the template the limit was raised.
These were the specific commands I used to patch the OpenShift templates:
oc patch dc/syndesis-atlasmap -p ‘{“spec”: {“strategy”: {“resources”: {“requests”: {“memory”: “50Mi”}}}}}’
oc patch dc/syndesis-oauthproxy -p ‘{“spec”: {“template”: {“spec”: {“containers”: [{“name”: “syndesis-oauthproxy”, “resources”: {“requests”: {“memory”: “50Mi”}}}]}}}}’
What follows is a re-execution of the xPaaS installation using the revised template and installation was a success.